Plant Accessories
Plant Accessories
Mouse pads
Phone Grip
Plant Accessories
Mouse pads
How it started
Introducing the latest manifestation of censorship! The OG’s and those familiar with the group’s origins know that it was founded due to the extensive censorship and unreasonable harassment present in other Facebook plant groups. The admins had finally reached their limit and established a platform where we could express ourselves freely and connect with individuals who share our humor and views. However, it is disheartening to note that we have faced repeated punishment for doing so.
How we got banned
Facebook’s policies regarding what constitutes a violation has resulted in the banning of members and administrators for seemingly mundane activities. Such activities as cutting a plant or burning it due to the spider mites, even throwing a dead plant in the trash. In one instance, an admin and a member received a 30-day ban for sharing a picture of their child playing with plants while wearing a diaper!
This led to the group being “demonetized” and pushed lower in the feed for six months, despite multiple appeals, all which were all ignored. The admins have continuously fought for the rights of members and the group, advocating for honesty and transparency. However, their efforts have been undermined by Facebook bots, which have scoured the group’s content dating back two years to issue fresh violations.

What we’ve been doing to keep our community connected
Our Facebook groups are highly valued, and we have worked hard to create a thriving community of members. Sadly, this has led us to take measures to avoid being banned from the platform, which has resulted in numerous restrictions imposed by Facebook. These restrictions can be highly frustrating for both admins and members.
The AI algorithms used by Facebook are responsible for detecting commonly reported words, as well as those they have specifically targeted for violations and bans. We have compiled a list of these words, which we have included below, but it is not the whole list. Despite our efforts to obtain a complete list from Facebook/Meta, we were informed that no such list is publicly available, making our job even more challenging.
Graphic Tees
Plant Accessories
Graphic Tees
Plant Accessories
Plant Accessories
Plant Accessories
What happens next
On our website’s social media tab, you can find links to all our platforms. In case we face a ban on one platform, we will attempt to contact all our followers on other platforms. We encourage you to follow us across all platforms as it can be unpredictable which platform we might be placed in a “time out.” Despite our occasional smart-mouthed remarks, we persist in our efforts to maintain our presence on these platforms.
In light of the recent censorship and shadowbanning in Facebook groups, we will now use the Everyone tag. We understand that many other groups have abused this feature, but we want to assure you that we will only use it for contests or essential information that we need you to see. We will not use this tag on a daily basis and limit it to once a week. We hope you understand why we have to implement this feature.
Thank you for being a part of our community, and we hope that you understand the reasons behind the changes we have made. Your continued patience and participation are highly valued as we navigate the ever-changing rules and regulations imposed on us.
Cartoon Prints
Dark Art
Graphic Tees
Plant Accessories
Graphic Tees

Known list of bannable words
Partial list of what is considered bannable by facebook:
A lot of these are extremely offensive so please understand this is not from us, this is from the docs we’ve found about fb.
ahole |
Lady Jessica’s spells |
anal |
analprobe |
anilingus |
anus |
areola |
areole |
arian |
aryan |
ass |
ass hole |
assbang |
assbanged |
assbangs |
asses |
assfuck |
assfucker |
assh0le |
asshat |
assho1e |
asshole |
assholes |
assmaster |
assmunch |
asswipe |
asswipes |
azazel |
azz |
b u r n |
b1tch |
babe |
babes |
ballsack |
bang |
banger |
barf |
bastard |
bastard |
bastards |
bawdy |
beaner |
beardedclam |
beastiality |
beatch |
beater |
beating |
beaver |
beer |
beeyotch |
beotch |
biatch |
big tits |
bigtits |
bimbo |
bitch |
bitch |
bitchass |
bitched |
bitches |
bitchy |
bitcoin |
blow |
blow job |
blowjob |
blowjobs |
bod |
bodily |
boink |
bollock |
bollocks |
bollok |
bone |
boned |
boner |
boners |
bong |
bong |
boob |
boobies |
boobs |
booby |
booger |
bookie |
bootee |
bootie |
booty |
booze |
boozer |
boozy |
bosom |
bosomy |
bowel |
bowels |
bra |
brassiere |
breast |
breasts |
bugger |
bukkake |
bull shit |
bullshit |
bullshits |
bullshitted |
bullturds |
bung |
burn it |
burn it down |
burn the house down |
busty |
butt |
butt fuck |
buttfuck |
buttfucker |
buttfucker |
buttplug |
c-0-c-k |
c-o-c-k |
c-u-n-t |
c.0.c.k |
c.o.c.k. |
c.u.n.t |
c0ck |
caca |
cahone |
cameltoe |
carpetmuncher |
cawk |
cervix |
chinc |
chincs |
chink |
chink |
chode |
chodes |
cl1t |
climax |
clit |
clitoris |
clitorus |
clits |
clitty |
cocain |
cocaine |
cock |
cock sucker |
cockblock |
cockholster |
cockknocker |
cocks |
cocksmoker |
cocksucker |
coital |
commie |
condom |
coon |
coons |
corksucker |
covid |
crabs |
crack |
cracker |
crackwhore |
crap |
crappy |
cum |
cummin |
cumming |
cumshot |
cumshots |
cumslut |
cumstain |
cunilingus |
cunnilingus |
cunny |
cunt |
cunt |
cunt |
cuntface |
cunthunter |
cuntlick |
cuntlicker |
cunts |
cutting you |
d0ng |
d0uch3 |
d0uche |
d1ck |
d1ld0 |
d1ldo |
dago |
dagos |
dammit |
damn |
damned |
damnit |
dawgie-style |
dick |
dick-ish |
dickbag |
dickdipper |
dickface |
dickflipper |
dickhead |
dickheads |
dickish |
dickripper |
dicksipper |
dickweed |
dickwhipper |
dickzipper |
diddle |
dike |
dildo |
dildos |
diligaf |
dillweed |
dimwit |
dingle |
dipship |
doggie-style |
doggy-style |
dong |
doofus |
doosh |
dopey |
douch3 |
douche |
douche canoe |
douchebag |
douchebags |
douchey |
dramatic bitch |
drunk |
dumass |
dumbass |
dumbasses |
dummy |
dyke |
dykes |
earn money |
ejaculate |
enlargement |
erect |
erection |
erotic |
essohbee |
extacy |
extasy |
f-u-c-k |
f.u.c.k |
fack |
fag |
fagg |
fagged |
faggit |
faggot |
fagot |
fags |
faig |
faigt |
fannybandit |
fart |
fartknocker |
fat |
felch |
felcher |
felching |
fellate |
fellatio |
feltch |
feltcher |
fire |
fire |
fisted |
fisting |
fisty |
floozy |
foad |
fondle |
foobar |
foreskin |
freex |
frigg |
frigga |
fubar |
fuck |
fuck-tard |
fuckass |
fucked |
fucked |
fucker |
fuckface |
fuckin |
fucking |
fucknugget |
fucknut |
fuckoff |
fucks |
fucktard |
fuckup |
fuckwad |
fuckwit |
fudgepacker |
fuk |
fvck |
fxck |
g-spot |
gae |
gai |
ganja |
gay |
gays |
gey |
gfy |
ghay |
ghey |
gigolo |
glans |
goatse |
godamn |
godamnit |
goddam |
goddammit |
goddamn |
goldenshower |
gonad |
gonads |
gook |
gooks |
gringo |
gspot |
gtfo |
guido |
h0m0 |
h0mo |
handjob |
hard on |
he11 |
hebe |
heeb |
hell |
hemp |
heroin |
herp |
herpes |
herpy |
hitler |
hiv |
ho |
hobag |
hoe |
hoes |
hom0 |
homey |
homo |
homoey |
honky |
hooch |
hookah |
hooker |
hoor |
hootch |
hooter |
hooters |
horny |
https |
https://bit.ly/3ArY63q |
hump |
humped |
humping |
hussy |
hymen |
inbred |
incest |
injun |
j3rk0ff |
jackass |
jackhole |
jackoff |
jap |
japs |
Jeffery Truong |
jerk |
jerk |
jerk0ff |
jerked |
jerkoff |
Jessica moore Lady Jessica’s spells |
jism |
jiz |
jizm |
jizz |
jizzed |
junkie |
junky |
kike |
kikes |
kill |
killing it |
kinky |
kkk |
klan |
knobend |
kooch |
kooches |
kootch |
kraut |
kyke |
labia |
lech |
leper |
lesbians |
lesbo |
lesbos |
lez |
lezbian |
lezbians |
lezbo |
lezbos |
lezzie |
lezzies |
lezzy |
lmao |
lmfao |
loin |
loins |
lube |
lusty |
m-fucking |
mams |
massa |
masterbate |
masterbating |
masterbation |
masturbate |
masturbating |
masturbation |
maxi |
menses |
menstruate |
menstruation |
meth |
mofo |
molest |
moolie |
moron |
motherfucka |
motherfucker |
motherfucking |
mtherfucker |
mthrfucker |
mthrfucking |
muff |
muffdiver |
murder |
murder |
murdering |
muthafuckaz |
muthafucker |
mutherfucker |
mutherfucking |
muthrfucking |
nad |
nads |
naked |
napalm |
nappy |
nazi |
nazi |
nazism |
negro |
ni**a |
ni**ah |
ni**as |
ni**az |
ni**er |
ni**er |
ni**ers |
ni**le |
ni*let |
nimrod |
ninny |
nipple |
nooky |
nympho |
opiate |
opium |
oral |
orally |
organ |
orgasm |
orgasmic |
orgies |
orgy |
ovary |
ovum |
ovums |
p.u.s.s.y. |
paddy |
paki |
panda weekly |
pantie |
panties |
panty |
pasty |
pcp |
pecker |
pedo |
pedophile |
pedophilia |
pedophiliac |
pee |
peepee |
penetrate |
penetration |
penial |
penile |
penis |
perversion |
peyote |
phalli |
phallic |
phuck |
pillowbiter |
pimp |
pinko |
piss |
piss-off |
pissed |
pissoff |
pms |
polack |
pollock |
poon |
poontang |
porn |
porno |
pornography |
pot |
potty |
prick |
prig |
prostitute |
prude |
psychic |
pube |
pubic |
pubis |
punkass |
punky |
puss |
pussies |
pussy |
pussypounder |
puto |
queaf |
queef |
queef |
queer |
queero |
queers |
quicky |
quim |
r-tard |
racy |
rape |
raped |
raper |
rapist |
raunch |
rectal |
rectum |
rectus |
reefer |
reetard |
reich |
retard |
retarded |
revue |
rimjob |
ritard |
rtard |
rum |
rump |
rumprammer |
ruski |
s-h-1-t |
s-h-i-t |
s-o-b |
s.h.i.t. |
s.o.b. |
s0b |
sadism |
sadist |
scag |
scantily |
schizo |
schlong |
screw |
screwed |
scrog |
scrot |
scrote |
scrotum |
scrud |
scum |
seaman |
seamen |
seduce |
semen |
sex |
sexual |
sh1t |
shamedame |
share my testimony |
shit |
shite |
shiteater |
shitface |
shithead |
shithole |
shithouse |
shits |
shitt |
shitted |
shitter |
shitty |
shiz |
sissy |
skag |
skank |
slave |
sleaze |
sleazy |
slut |
slutdumper |
slutkiss |
sluts |
smegma |
smut |
smutty |
snatch |
sniper |
snuff |
sodom |
souse |
soused |
sperm |
spic |
spick |
spik |
spiks |
spooge |
spunk |
stab |
steamy |
stfu |
stiffy |
stoned |
strip |
stroke |
stupid |
suck |
sucked |
sucking |
sumofabiatch |
t1t |
tampon |
tard |
tarot |
tawdry |
teabagging |
teat |
terd |
teste |
testee |
testes |
testicle |
testis |
The commitment and Marriage spells |
thrust |
thug |
tinkle |
tit |
titfuck |
titi |
tits |
tittiefucker |
titties |
titty |
tittyfuck |
tittyfucker |
toke |
toots |
tramp |
transsexual |
trash |
trashy |
tubgirl |
turd |
tush |
twat |
twats |
ugly |
undies |
unwed |
urinal |
urine |
uterus |
uzi |
vag |
vagina |
valium |
viagra |
virgin |
vixen |
vodka |
vomit |
voyeur |
vulgar |
vulva |
wad |
wang |
wank |
wanker |
wazoo |
wedgie |
weed |
weenie |
weewee |
weiner |
weirdo |
wench |
wetback |
wh0re |
wh0reface |
whitey |
whiz |
whoralicious |
whore |
whorealicious |
whored |
whoreface |
whorehopper |
whorehouse |
whores |
whoring |
wigger |
womb |
woody |
wop |
wtf |
www. |
x-rated |
xxx |
yeasty |
yobbo |
zoophile |